I have been asked time and time again for my light schedule, so today is the day! I am running a modified version of the Ecotech CoralLab AB+ schedule.  The Corallab schedule is tried and true profile that grows coral real well!  My only issue with it was the fact that it was ON. Full then OFF. I shaved an hour or so off the full intensity period and added a nice slow ramp up and ramp down to extend the viewing time for a few hours.

My tank is 18″ Deep, the lights are 7.5″ off the water and i run the lights at an overall intensity of 45%. I get very high par vales on my upper rock structures and don’t think i would run them any higher.  You may need to adjust the overal intensity to your tanks depth/light height.

So wheres the goods?

Right Click > Save as  to Download ReefDudes Radion Schdule! 

The Video on the lighting schedule will be posted Monday on here and YouTube 🙂
